Friday, May 31, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2019)

Day 141, Tuesday, May 21st
Harper's final game of the spring season .
Her team had an undefeated season going, but they tied this one (she had the tying goal). 

Day 142, Wednesday, May 22nd
Checking out the coupons for me. 

Day 143, Thursday, May 23rd
Harper's end of the soccer season party at Abby's. 

Day 144, Friday, May 24th
On a field trip with Harper today as they released their salmon. 
She said good-bye to Mr. Bubbles and Mrs. Splash at the Chelan Powerhouse. 

Day 145, Saturday, May 25th
We went to see Aladdin tonight as a family, but found some of Harper's friends afterwards. 

Day 146, Sunday, May 26th
These two slept in a tent up on the deck, right outside our door tonight. 

Day 147, Monday, May 27th
Making tea for all of us on Memorial Day. 

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