Friday, May 10, 2019

Ry's Robotics Vex Tournament

Ry's Robotics team qualified for the National Tournament in February. 
We had to think about it for about a week before we decided, after many discussions with Rylan, to send him without one of us.  Ugh!  That was a tough call to make. 

Rylan had a big project due for his core class that was due while he would be gone. 
He responsibly finished it prior to leaving. 

His teacher was so pleased. 
Ry texted me Friday morning after he turned it in.

They left on Friday, April 26th after school. 

We dropped him off and the middle school ASB had a good luck chalk sign in the entryway. 

Harper rolled his suitcase in the school.

They were flying out of Seattle.  The chaperone parents drove them over. 
Waiting at Sea-Tac airport. 
They were on the red eye flight and Ry said they didn't get much sleep. 

They arrived in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday morning. 
One lone IPhone in Kentucky. 
They toured the Louisville Slugger Museum
and each student received a small bat. 

The tournament was held at the Kentucky Exposition Center.
It's a huge venue. 
Ry's team. 
He's the only 6th grader on his team, 2 others were on the girl's team. 
Their robot was named "Somebody, 98000F" and they competed in the middle school technology division. 

Each team had a booth set up and Ry explained that you would walk the hallways meeting other teams and they would give you a token/souvenir.  
This is some of the swag he came home with:  necklaces, bracelets, pins, tassels, trading cards, he even came home with Canadian maple syrup. 

Ry texted me that his team would be featured on the live stream and he'd be driving. 
I was able to quickly log on and find his team, just in time!
(The video is on my phone)
They scored 27 points in this round, which ended up being their team average. 
They were doing well after the first day, but had a tougher second day of competition. 
They finished 71st out of 85. 

He got back home on Wednesday, May 1st and the mom chaperone texted such kind words about Rylan the next day. 


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