Monday, May 27, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 20 (2019)

Day 134, Tuesday, May 14th
Off to soccer try-outs

Day 135, Wednesday, May 15th
Harper's district wide track meet. 
Her relay team placed 2nd in their heat. 

Day 136, Thursday, May 16th
Soccer try outs again.
This little sister loves Ry. 

Day 137, Friday, May 17th
Dinner with these 2 at Red Robin

Day 138, Saturday, May 18th
Harper and Dave ran her Girls on the Run 5K.
She finished strong!

Day 139, Sunday, May 19th
I went to Yak-Attack with Ry on Saturday and Sunday. 
What a fun tournament!  
They placed 2nd. 

Day 140, Monday, May 20th
An after school bike ride. 

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