Thursday, March 7, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2019)

Day 57, Tuesday, February 26th
Will this winter ever end?

Day 58, Wednesday, February 27th
Happy Birthday Ry-Bear

Day 59, Thursday, February 28th
Rylan's Robotics Team qualified for the World Championship. 
The tourneys in Kentucky in late April.

Day 60, Friday, March 1st
Not a great way to start out this morning. 
I lifted the box of eggs that wasn't completely closed. 

Day 61, Saturday,  March 2nd
Multi tasking on Saturday morning. 
Practicing the saxophone while on the hoverboard. 

Day 62, Sunday, March 3rd
A very rare and non-sports related weekend. 
We played Clue many times on Saturday and Sunday. 

Day 63, Monday, March 4th
Harper's 2nd/3rd grade performance night. 
She had a speaking part, an instrument part (xylophone) and a short dancing part. 

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