Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Snowy Start to Spring Soccer

Logan started soccer tryouts on February 25th.
His first varsity game was on Friday, March 8th.
(The jamboree scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th was cancelled because of another snowfall that lasted all. day. long)

They played Mead, a non-league game. 
The game was at 7:00 and it was about 30 degrees. 
But we were thankful to get a game in and felt lucky that we have a field that is being plowed and maintained.   Many other teams (including the track, baseball and golf teams) are not so lucky. 
During warm ups--you can barely see the white ball in Logan's hands. 
There was dark tarp laid across the mound of snow behind the goals so players could see the white net/bars of the goal. 

Lining up to be called out as a starter. 

Taking the field in his first varsity game. 
Logan later told us that he did feel a little nervous for the first 20 minutes of that game. 
I think he had maybe 2 saves, he wasn't very busy back there. 
His kicks looked good though. 
Logan was told that he would only be playing a half of the game, but it was tied 0-0 at half. 
We were surprised when he took the field at the start of the 2nd half. 
And they won 1-0.

The game ended at about 9 and they had to be back on the field at 9 the next morning. 
(Eastmont had a game too that needed to be played on our turf field so they rescheduled times.)
Bundled up and ready to go. 

They played the Central Valley Bears at 11 AM.

Coming out of the locker room. 
Photo Credit:  WHS Apple Leaf

The rest of us in the stands. 
It was about 30 degrees but if felt a lot more bearable with the sun shining. 

Logan was scored on with this penalty kick. 
It was 1-0 for a little bit in the first half, 1-1 at half, and the Panthers won 2-1. 
Logan was much busier today and had a lot of good saves. 

Rylan had his first game of the "spring" season too. 
They lost today 0-2. 
They looked like a team that hadn't played together in a while (their practices have been inside a gym). 
It'll just take a little time to get back in sync and we really need the snow to melt so we can start practicing on our home grass field).

I thought Ry played okay, and I was happy that he said he didn't feel tired because of the basketball conditioning.  
Dave at halftime, trying to stay warm. 

We're looking forward to a much warmer spring season in the coming weeks. 

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