Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 12 (2019)

Day 78, Tuesday, March 19th
Taking the field tonight vs. West Valley.
Panthers lost 0-1.

Day 79, Wednesday, March 20th
We got some texts today telling us that Logan's picture was in the paper. 

Day 80, Thursday, March 21
We had a weird 30 minutes before picking up Rylan from Robotics so we ran to the park to play. 

Day 81, Friday, March 22nd
A day in Spokane with Mom, Dad, Amy and Samee. 

Day 82, Saturday, March 23rd
Tolo Dance tonight

Day 83, Sunday, March 24th
Waiting in the car for Rylan's rainy game to start. 
They lost 4-2.  Ry had one assist and one goal. 

Day 84, Monday, March 25th
Rylan and Presley playing PIG today. 

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