Thursday, February 28, 2019

End of the Basketball Season

All four kids are officially done with basketball for the year!
We started with Harper in rec league in October, and ended with Logan on Varsity one win away from going to the State tournament!
It was a great season for all of them. 

Harper had a birthday party to go to today. 
Dave picked her up from there and off they went to Ellensburg. 
Peeps, blankets, and headphones make the travel easier. 

Logan's team traveled to Ellensburg to play Mt. Rainier. 
He played a few minutes in the first half and had 2 points. 

In between Ry's games we ran to dinner so I didn't listen to much of Logan's game. 
But I was receiving some really fun texts!
At one point, Logan had 10 of the 12 points in the final quarter. 

I texted this to Logan (before I even knew he got player of the game)  but he didn't respond to me :(

Dave texted this picture to me and let me know that Harper can no longer stand in front of mom. 

Our last AAU game wrapped up with Rylan playing in a local tournament. 

He had games on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 
They ended up winning one and losing 3 this weekend. 
One of Harper's classmates has a new baby sister and we found them at the first game. 
Harper was here too, but she had already ran off for a playdate. 
(Ry snagged a cupcake for Logan too)

And on Monday evening we had a nice AAU dinner party. 
I told Rylan I needed a picture with his coach so in a few years we can do a comparison of Ry taller than his coach. :)

Like we did with Logan's goalkeeper coach. 

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