Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 3 (2019)

Day 15, Tuesday, January 15th
I noticed on two homework packets, this is how Harper signed her work. 

Day 16, Wednesday, January 16th
Presley hurt her ankle during the game last Saturday.
She had her ankle wrapped today and Dave had to help her cut it off. 

Day 17, Thursday, January 17th
Harper got 100% on her Travel Club today so she got to be a tester. 

Day 18, Friday, January 18th
Presley had a friend stay the night and I heard them talking about putting on a face mask so Dave and I put ours on to join them (just teasing/embarassing Presley). 
We walked in her room and they had decided not to do one.  

Day 19, Saturday, January 19th
A rare Mom and Harper day. 
Logan and Presley had games in Yakima that Dave went to (they both won). 
Rylan had a robotics tournament in Redmond (his team placed 13th and the top 10 went to the finals).

Day 20, Sunday, January 20th
Always reading.

Day 21, Monday, January 21st
No school on Monday meant a slime making play date. 

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