Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2019)

Day 8, Tuesday, January 8th
The weather forecast called for snow, and for sure they were right. 

Day 9, Wednesday, January 9th
Dad FaceTimed us the night he made it to the Bahamas. 
He was on a walk around the resort. 

Day 10, Thursday, January 10th
Dave's first morning in the Bahamas

Day 11, Friday, January 11th
Home games for both Logan and Presley, but Harper stole the show at halftime for her dance routine. 

Day 12, Saturday, January 12th
Grandma and Papa stayed the night and watched 7 basketball games and 7 wins this week-end. 

Day 13, Sunday, January 13th
A cold day for a bike ride, but she rode to get the mail for me. 

Day 14, Monday, January 14th
Late start Monday morning snuggles

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