Sunday, December 23, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 49 (2018)

Day 337, Monday, December 3rd
Cast Party for Beauty and the Beast

Day 338, Tuesday, December 4th
Christmas Music on repeat. 
Love me some Kenny and Dolly

Day 339, Wednesday, December 5th
A few nice notes Ry showed me tonight. 

Day 340, Thursday, December 6th
Early morning on our way to the airport

Day 341, Friday, December 7th
A beautiful day in California

Day 342, Saturday, December 8th
Soarin'...our last ride before Cristy and Lance headed home. 

Day 343, Sunday, December 9th
Breakfast on our balcony at the Grand Californian. 
We overlooked Grizzly Rapids in California Adventure

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