Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 40 (2018)

Day 274, Monday, October 1st
Harper was the last Nelson out of the pool this year. 
Tonight was a quick dip. 

Day 275, Tuesday, October 2nd
Dave in Philadelphia, All of us in Washington

Day 276, Wednesday, October 3rd
Saxophone practice.

Day 277, Thursday, October 4th
Harper has enjoyed writing stories this year. 

Day 278, Friday, October 5th
A rainy football game tonight. 

Day 279, Saturday, October 6th
A game for Rylan in Richland today. 
He had his family fan club for him there today. 

Day 280, Sunday, October 7th
A little giggling during a homecoming dress try-on session.
This is not the one she chose. 

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