Monday, October 29, 2018

Sixth Grade Flag Football

Rylan was eager to try out flag football this fall. 
They practiced everyday after school until 4:15.
He loved that his coach Mr. Williams knew Logan and Presley and called him Mr. Nelson. 

He had 3 jamborees with the other schools. 
Dave went alone to the first one, so I don't have any pictures. 
There were enough 6th grade boys to field 2 teams so sometimes they had to play against each other. 

Ry spotted us on the sidelines. 

I don't know why the coaches would video tape the games, but Rylan tried to watch through the lens too. 

Harper tagged along with us to the jamborees. 

He played running back and wide receiver on offense and defense back too. 
He scored some, ran some, and got some interceptions. 

It was a fun, short season with friends. 

Sportsmanship Award and Saxophone in hand on the last day. 

Rylan's 6th grade flag football team. 

Logan, 6th grade flag football...

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