Monday, December 31, 2018

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 52 (2018)

Day 358, Monday, December 24th
In our Christmas Eve jammies with Grandma and Papa Nelson

Day 359, Tuesday, December 25th
A whole lotta relaxing on Christmas Day

Day 360, Wednesday, December 26th

We woke up to snow. 
Harper had a friend over and they and Rylan went out sledding for a bit. 

Day 361, Thursday, December 27th
Grandma and Papa Nelson bought the kids an air hockey/ping pong table. 
It came today and Dad put it together. 

Day 362, Friday, December 28th
I think I had just told Presley that she goes back to school next Wednesday!

Day 363, Saturday, December 29th
Logan's been at a basketball tournament for the past 3 days in Lewiston, ID. 
He won the championship today. 
Dave took these three rock climbing this morning and I took them again in the evening. 

Day 364, Sunday, December 30th
One more Christmas celebration with the Kreider's and Legard's. 
My last picture before we headed home. 

Day 365, Monday, December 31st 
Peace out 2018!
(Taken about 10:45, and everyone is still awake now at 11:55)

Christmas with the Kreider's and the Legard's

Christmas Day

We were up at about 6:45 to get ready for Christmas morning. 
We were very surprised to not hear a peep from downstairs until about 8:20. 
Grandma and Papa Nelson got here at 8:30. 

Daddy telling them that Santa didn't make it this year. 
He also told them to line up youngest to oldest. 
She was already screaming and she hadn't even seen anything yet. 

Presley and Mom got tickets for the Broadway Show, "Dear Evan Hansen" in Seattle in February. 
Santa brought Logan a flying lesson scheduled for New Year's Eve
Ry likes Bob Ross. 
Santa brought him a basketball defender, a new basketball, and new Adidas basketball shoes. 

Harper and Ry got these magic balls.
These were big hits. 

We had a nice breakfast with Grandma and Papa. 
I had made a sausage casserole the night before and it cooked for an hour while we opened gifts. 

We weren't in any hurry since we didn't go to the Sri-Cities this morning. 
We talked and ate and cleaned up. 
Grandma and Papa left about 11:30. 

Harper and Ry each got some Legos they worked on. 

Presley and I snuck into our bed and watched a Hallmark movie.  
Apparently, we didn't see the entire movie. 

Santa brought Harper a new bike.
It looked so big under the tree, but she fit on it just fine. 
I watched her take it for a ride down our street.  
It was sunny, but it was cold outside. 
The neighbors were out with their new hover boards. 

Amy texted me a morning Merry Christmas picture from the Lindholm's. 
And Miryn's Christmas morning was awesome too.

We napped, did laundry, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, cleaned up boxes, and then watched Christmas Chronicles in the evening. 

Christmas Day 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

I made reindeer pancakes for breakfast. 

I ran to the store and picked up some final things for Christmas Eve dinner with Barb and Jim. 
They were coming over at about 3 for an early dinner. 

Dave made a ham and mashed potatoes and I worked on some side dishes. 
I didn't end up doing much baking this year because Harper and I had been so sick. 
But I did buy a pie and Barb made some delicious cookies. 

Ry and Harper made celery sticks and Presley peeled potatoes. 

Dinner was wonderful and Rylan played Jingle Bells and Santa Claus is Coming to Town for us. 

We opened Christmas jammies about 6:30, but Harper started asking to get in her jammies about 4. 

Grandma and Papa left about 7:00.

Presley and Harper checked Santa's tracker. 
He was on his way to New Orleans. 

Dave (and the kids) read Twas' the Night Before Christmas. 

They all snuggled in Rylan's room tonight to sleep. 

And Santa made it just before midnight. 

Gingerbread Houses!

We have had the best luck with gingerbread houses from Trader Joe's, and when we went to Portland I asked if there were any in stock for me to buy.   There weren't. 
But Amy went to Spokane in late November and remembered that I wanted some (and I wanted extras because I knew Presley wanted to have friends over to build and I was planning to have a playdate with Harper's friends too) and bought 8 gingerbread houses. 
She got some weird stares at check out. 

And then Harper and I ended up sick the week leading up to Christmas. 
Presley still invited friends over and used 3 of them. 

They worked in groups of 2.
Dave and Harper judged their work. 

#2 won! 
That was Ella and Berkeley's house. 
Then they watched The Grinch downstairs and came up to watch Deal or No Deal with us as they waited for their parents to pick them up. 

We had more gingerbread houses to use so each of the kids built their own this year. 
I missed them working as a team. 




We didn't dare judge this year ;)

Logan and his friends built gingerbread houses together a few weeks ago too.