Saturday, December 23, 2017

Decorating our Tree

We bought a new flocked 10 foot Christmas tree earlier this year. 
I did enjoy having it up and lit for a couple of week before we added ornaments.

We hung all of our ornaments on Sunday, December 10th

We were trying so hard to get to those high branches. 
Finally we pulled a stool over to help out. 
Presley was scared to reach too far forward. 
Harper, Ry and Logan had a good system.
Harper spent time examining each ornament
And she did some stretching moves and Titanic style posing...

Presley's name was chosen to put the star on top.
But she couldn't reach on Dave's shoulders.
So Dave tried to lift Ry by his buns. 
And that didn't work either. so Logan was the last, and least favorite, option
But even he couldn't get the angel on straight, so our tree has a crooked angel. 
Which seems a little appropriate for our family.
It told the kids I wanted a picture and Ry slid into position, and the rest followed.

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