Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 26 (2016)

Day 176, Friday, June 24th
Swimming can wear these 2 right out.
(they're fake sleeping because I told them they needed to clean up their rooms)

Day 177, Saturday, June 25th
Watching Ry practice his dunks. 

Day 178, Sunday, June 26th
The boys are watch these videos called  "Try Not to Laugh" and play along. 
Dave and Logan lost, Rylan won this time. 

Day 179, Monday, June 27th
Logan had a game today and got to shoot a penalty kick. 
This doesn't happen often at all, but he did make it. 

Day 180, Tuesday, June 28th
Running through the sprinklers with her goggles ready to jump in. 

Day 181, Wednesday, June 29th
My mom and Cristy helped my Grandpa move this week. 
My Dad texted me this picture. 

Day 182, Thursday, June 30th
A contest to see who has a higher vertical jump. 

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