Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lea's, Day-Lea's, Week 28 (2016)

Day 190, Friday, July 8th
The last day of Rylan's high school basketball camp. 
He had a really fun time. 

Day 191, Saturday, July 9th
Participating in another car wash fundraiser for his National Tournament. 

Day 192, Sunday, July 10th
Headed off to drop off Logan at his soccer camp in Kenmore, WA 
At the practice fields

Day 193, Monday, July 11th
Free Slurpees at 7-11 on 7/11...yes, please!

Day 194, Tuesday, July 12th
Missing our boy today so we checked to see where he was on campus. 
His phone was in his dorm at this time. 

Day 195, Wednesday, July 13th
These quarter machines make the kids happy. 
Ry got a mustache and Harper got a plastic ring. 
Well worth it as a treat for an easy trip to the grocery store. 

Day 196, Thursday, July 14th
Jumping in together!

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