Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Visitors from Minnesota!

The Larson's moved to Minnesota 3 years ago and they finally came to visit Wenatchee last weekend. 
Kevin and Troy came over on Friday night and they sat outside with the fire pit going and talking. 

Both the Smith and Larson families came over on Sunday afternoon. 
They started things off with a wiffle ball tournament. 
(Dave, Kevin, and Troy went on a Disneyland road trip for graduation in 1993 and had wiffle ball tournaments at the KOA's they camped at along the way. )
I think the adults may have lost their batting skills because it was Ry who hit it out of the park and ended the game. 

One of my favorite summer sights...a pool full of people!

The Nelson, Smith, and Larson kids
Troy missed this picture as he ended up laying down on the couch for a bit with a migraine. 

We ended the night with a dance party downstairs with Presley's karaoke machine. 

Not quite the same kind of parties we had like 20 years ago, but I don't think any of us would change a thing :). 

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