Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 25 (2016)

Day 169, Friday, June 17th
Flippin' for Friday!

Day 170, Saturday, June 18th
The boys went to see Warcraft, and we went to see Finding Dory tonight after Logan's soccer game. 

Day 171, Sunday, June 19th
Happy Father's Day

Day 172, Monday, June 20th
Dad, Presley, and Ry went to Ry's soccer ice cream party. 
Presley texted me this picture while I was in Redmond at Logan's game and told me that Ry's coach Jose had nice compliments for him. 

Day 173, Tuesday, June 21st
Regional Champions!

Day 174, Wednesday, June 22nd
Summer heat hasn't really hit Wenatchee yet, and we spent this chillier afternoon watching Angry Birds. 

Day 175, Thursday, June 23rd
Logan's team write up on the sports page in The Wenatchee World. 

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