Monday, June 13, 2016

Harper gets her ears pierced

Both Presley and Harper chose to get their ears pierced after they finished their kindergarten year.  

Harper's day to get hers done was Saturday, June 11, 2016

We got to Claire's and they gave her a bear to hold.
The lady marked her ears while Ry and Presley looked on. 
They were able to do both ears at once. 
That moment I'm thankful they can do both at the same time. 
Harper didn't cry, just made this expression. 
Ry was the first to go right to her and check it out. 
Then Presley showed her her cute green birthstones Harper picked out. 
They gave her a lollipop and the mirror to check herself out. 

We let her choose 3 other pairs for when she can take these studs out. 

A look back...

Harper on the day Presley had her ears pierced!
Getting ready...
Holding a bear too...
Presley all finished!

 Two special end of the kindergarten year memories!

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