Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Superbowl 50

Two weeks ago when the Broncos defeated the New England Patriots to clinch a spot at Superbowl 50,  I was so sure the Broncos would be facing another big loss. 
(Especially after watching the Panthers/Seahawks game). 

None of us have Twitter around here, but one of the sports shows talked about Dwayne Wade's tweet about the win over Patriots. 
He got a lot of flack for this tweet, but we appreciated it. 

Rylan has a new boy in his class named Lincoln.  On the Monday after the Broncos and Panthers won, Lincoln gave Rylan a Peyton Manning football card.  
He told Ry that he knew Ry would be cheering for Manning to win the Superbowl. 
We hung it up on our fridge. 

And Logan has had a great season of snap chatting his allegiance to the Broncos.

I will also say that Presley and Harper could care less about Sundays around our house. 

During the 2 week build up to Superbowl Sunday, 
I started listening to sports talk shows in the morning. 
I started watching the Superbowl Live late at night. 
And the week approaching Superbowl, I started watching the sports talk shows live from Santa Clara. 

I told Logan on Wednesday night that I was really waiting to hear someone (anyone) pick the Broncos to win. 
(And toward the end of the week I did see that a few former NFL players had).

On Saturday night, as Thomas was heading out to his parents house, I asked him who he would be rooting for. 
He said, "Well, I can't stand Cam Newton, but this looks like Superbowl 48 again to me."
#1 Defense vs. #1 Offense 
All that listening and watching those stinkin' commentators and I had not heard that once in the past 10 days of air time. 

On the drive home I listened to ESPN radio and heard that Cam Newton had won the League MVP.  
(He came out for warm ups on Sunday wearing gold MVP cleats).

By Sunday we were all ready to watch the game. 

Dave proudly wore his Peyton Manning Broncos jersey. 

Rylan was invited to his friend's Superbowl Party so I dropped him off and listened to the National Anthem in the car. 

The Broncos offense got the ball first and Manning led them to an opening field goal. 
This was the first time in the post season that Carolina had been behind.
We were just happy to see Peyton complete some passes. 

And pretty much the Broncos defense took over after that.
Cam Newton and the Panther offense were simply shut out.  
And we didn't care one bit...we just wanted a Broncos win. 
It's always fun to watch the team you're rooting for win the big one. 
And extra special for us Manning fans to see him get his second Superbowl ring. 

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