Monday, January 25, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 3 (2016)

Day 15, Friday, January 15th
I bought a new phone today and this sign was hanging in the window. 
A call from Rylan...I'll take that any time!

Day 16, Saturday, January 16th
Harper took a day long Stage Kids Acting class. 
She had a small speaking part in their production of Frozen. 
She had a good time. 

Day 17, Sunday, January 17th
We stopped for a little Fro Yo treat tonight. 

Day 18, Monday, January 18th
The moment Logan found out he had been selected to the Surf Academy. 

Day 19, Tuesday, January 19th
More snow today as I waited in the after school pick up line. 

Day 20, Wednesday, January 20th
Dad helping with 3rd grade math homework. 

Day 21, Thursday, January 21st
Congratulations e-mail to Logan...
and parents, make sure to  pay your registration fee,

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SURF Academy: Logan's Been Selected

If you had told us 5 years ago that Logan would be selected to join a Surf Team, we would have thought this:
And we would have been very wrong.  

On Monday we received the official email that the Surf Soccer Team selections had been posted. 
Dave and I looked first and scrolled through the list really quickly and saw Logan's name listed toward the bottom of the list. 
He had made the team. 

Logan was downstairs and we called him to come upstairs. 
We didn't waste any time telling him that the list had been posted and he had made the team. 
He immediately started crying and saying "no way" and "really?".
He was a bundle of emotions.
It was a very sweet moment to witness. 

He asked to look at the list and Rylan pointed out his name. 
Then he looked to see his name for himself and to check who else had made the team. 

At the last combine, the coaches separated the boys into 2 teams, Eastside vs. Westside. 
There were rumors that, because of the amount of '01 boys trying out, the PSPL would choose to have a team on each side of the state. 
(they did do this for the Boys '02 and Boys '03)
But the 2001 boys will be just one team. 
Logan's friend Colby made the team too. 
Logan and Colby were the only 2001 boys from Wenatchee that made this team. 
Logan was one of three goalies selected and the only goalie from the East side of the state
 (the other two live in the Seattle area).
Presley came out of her room and told him she was so happy for him. 

We are so very proud of you Logan!

Later that night, Logan looked at the Surf Uniforms, which are blue, white, and gray, and said, "whew, I'm lucky our colors are not green and yellow".  Ha ha!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2016)

Day 8, Friday, January 8th
 A little skin care with my big girl. 

Day 9, Saturday, January 9th
Logan at his PSPL Surf combine try out. 

Day 10, Sunday, January 10th
Harper's class has been working on making letters with their bodies. 
She made the letter "i" with Ry and Logan. 
I have a feeling her kinder class "i" isn't quite as long. 

Day 11, Monday, January 11th
Logan put the frosting on brownies after school. 

Day 12, Tuesday, January 12th
I went Sunnyslope today to take recess pictures for the yearbook. 
This is Ry's group of friends (he's on the top right). 

Day 13, Wednesday, January 13th
Presley wanted to try to do some yoga tonight so she looked up couple poses. 

Day 14, Thursday, January 14th
How Ry greeted me this morning after his shower. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week-End in Review

The first week back to school is always kind of a shock to the system.  
It's not easy to get back in the routine of waking up early, school, homework, early bedtimes. 
I was thankful we didn't have much going on during the week. 

Friday, Logan did have his last Combine try-out in Ravensdale. 
Presley was happy when she realized that she got to sit in the front seat all weekend long. 
And that I was stopping at Starbucks for Frappuccino Friday. 

Dave took Colby to December's try outs, so Kelley took Logan this time. 
(All photo credits to Kelley)

These are the boys (in Logan's age group) from around the state who made the combine this year.  
This was the introduction on Friday night. 

On Saturday morning they woke up and this was parked outside their hotel. 
A 12th Man Lamborghini
Logan thought that was so cool. 

Saturday's try outs were interesting because the coaches split up the teams, Eastside vs. Westside. 
The Eastside team consisted of boys from Wenatchee, Yakima, Tri-Cities and Spokane. 
They lost the first scrimmage 1-2.  

During Saturday's second session they scrimmaged again and Eastside won this time 2-1. 
Logan said he had a lot of action and made some good saves. 
(That one goal was scored while another goalie was in)

Logan told us the head coach was there and he teased Logan for wearing a Manchester United cap because he is a fan of another England team. 

And now we wait for the selections to be posted. 
And keep our fingers crossed. 

On Friday night Ainsley asked Presley to go ice skating and Dave took Harper and Rylan to see Star Wars again. 
So I hung out on the couch and watched Shark Tank and 20/20. 

Saturday morning toothless grin. 

Harper and Ry helped Dave shovel the driveway. 

On Saturday we went out to eat for dinner and then walked around Big Lots just for something to do. 
We bought Ry and Harper a little notebook. 

We came home and Presley and I tried out a mask she received for Christmas. 

Logan got home tonight about 11. 

On Sunday we watched football. 
And the kids danced. 

(Harper changes outfits approximately 17 times a day)

I saw Rylan's little notebook and opened it to find little notes to all of us.  
Dear Mom,  I love you so much.  If I didn't have you I would die. I need you forever and I will never forget you.  Rylan

Dear Dad, I love you as much as mom.  You are so funny and I hope you have the best life ever.  Rylan

Dear Harper, I love you so much.  I love that you are so crazy.  I hope you have a great life.  Rylan

Dear Presley, I hope you follow your dreams of acting and you are so smart.  I hope you have a great life.  Rylan

Dear Logan,  I know that we will be on a soccer team.  I think that with enough training you'll be better than Iker Casillas.  Have a great life Logan.  Rylan

My mom got this book at Big Lots on January 9.  I thought it would be cool but instead I got a doggy one but i still like it. 
(The notebook had a dog picture on the front). 

 I'm not sure where Rylan is going but he'd like us all to have a great life.  
We're off to a great start of 2016. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 1 (2016)

Day 1, Friday, January 1st
Our first picture together at 12:07 AM, January 1st
And Harper fell asleep before midnight but she did lose her other front tooth this morning. 
She sang, "All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" a lot today. 

Day 2, Saturday, January 2nd
Harper stayed home with me today and helped me take down the tree. 
Dave took Logan, Presley, and Ry up to Mission Ridge. 

Day 3, Sunday, January 3rd
Dad and Rylan built his Star Wars Kylo Ren ship he received for Christmas. 

Day 4, Monday, January 4th
Logan trying to break the icicles down. 

Day 5, Tuesday, January 5th
After school they played crazy sand for a long time. 

Day 6, Wednesday, January 6th
Watching videos together in Presley's room before bed. 

Day 7, Thursday, January 7th
Rylan bought a Kylo Ren mask with some of his Christmas money and Dave thought he looked like Dark Helmet from the movie Space Balls. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Our family received the most fun gift from the Sorensen's for Christmas.
It was a box full of all New Year's Eve goodies...hats, blowers, caramels, wine glasses, sparkling cider, champagne, midnight poppers.  
Logan was invited to a friends house for New Year's Eve but didn't want to miss out on the fun so he invited 3 of his friends to our house to celebrate. 

Our final family pic of 2015

Harper lost one of her front teeth tonight. 
(She lost the other one on New Year's Day)

We ordered pizza in and drank sparkling cider.
These 4 eighth graders toasted to 2016. 
It was getting closer to midnight. 
Watching the countdown in New York, ready to blow their horns and pull the confetti poppers. 
Happy New Year
Poor Harper didn't last til midnight. 

Ry and Presley went right to bed. 
Logan and his friends went downstairs to play more video games. 
Dave watched some TV in the front room. 
And I had to finish...
I get hooked into these type of shows and have to binge watch the entire series. 
I remember this time last year I got into Serial. 

I finished the last episode while I cooked breakfast on New Year's Day. 

As for 2016....I resolve to...


That's my goal!