Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 42 (2015)

Day 288, Thursday, October 15th
Some days the kids will run from the mailbox to home.  That's Harper, way ahead of the boys.  They gave her a 10 second head start and she won. 

Day 289, Friday, October 16th
Harper has wanted a pair of footed jammies since summertime.  
I saw some at Target today and bought her a pair. 
She was so happy. 
(and my dining chairs finally showed up today)

Day 290, Saturday, October 17th
I took Ry, Harper, Presley, and her friend Ainsley ice skating tonight. 
Ry and Harper fell a lot of times, but they always just got right back up. 

Day 291, Sunday, October 18th
Dave hung this frame of the kids' first outfits for me today. 

Day 292, Monday, October 19th
Ry and Presley really wanted footed jammies too. 
So off to Target I went today in search of their sizes. 

Day 293, Tuesday, October 20th
I've had an icky bug bite on my ankle and Presley has been taking care of me. 

Day 294,  Wednesday, October 21st
It was almost bedtime and these three were snuggling behind Dad. 

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