Friday, October 9, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 40 (2015)

Day 274, Thursday, October 1st
Someone missed Presley while she was for one night at camp. 
It was a really good time for Presley. 

Day 275, Friday, October 2nd
I walked in to pick up Harper and Ry from school today, and I normally don't do that. 
She spotted me but then was unsure if she could get out of line to join me.  
Walking eyes forward, hands behind her back. 

Day 276, Saturday, October 3rd
The only picture I took today. 
Presley, Ry and I were on Highway 17 headed into Othello for Ry's game.  
I was stopped on a 2 lane highway, waiting for a motorhome pulling a car to turn left. 
This semi was going way too fast and instead of rear ending me, swerved past my right bumper, and lost control of his truck and dumped his truck into the canal.  The two men inside climbed out of the passenger window.  Everyone was fine, but I was pretty shaken up.  

Tricia texted me this 5 generation picture. 
105 year difference between the oldest in our family and the youngest. 

Day 277, Sunday, October 4th
Dad, Logan and Harper were still in Seattle for Logan's soccer games (won both games this weekend) so we went to see Hotel Transylvania 2.  They were being monsters here. 

Day 278,  Monday, October 5th
Presley holding her "acceptance" letter into the Foothills Middle School Yearbook Club. 

Day 279, Tuesday, October 6th
Dave wasn't busy today so we went to see an afternoon movie. 

Day 280, Wednesday, October 7th
After Harper's last game of the season we went to Abby's for a team pizza party. 
Her coach, Brock, called her the "scorer" for the team. 

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