Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 41 (2015)

Day 281, Thursday, October 8th
A little love note from Presley as I opened the fridge at 6 AM to make lunches. 

Day 282, Friday, October 9th
A dining table with no chairs makes a good place for some yoga. 

Day 283, Saturday, October 10th
Ry played in the Apple Cup tournament this weekend. 
They had an 8 AM game and won. 

Day 284, Sunday, October 11th
An undefeated tournament for the championship!
Ry played very well this tournament. 
He scored goals in every game, including 3 penalty kicks.  

Day 285, Monday, October 12th
It was conference week and received good reports for all the kids. 
This is Ry's conference form he filled out. 

Day 286,  Tuesday, October 13th
These three watched YouTube videos all cuddled together after school today. 

Day 287, Wednesday,  October 14th
Ry made a bike jump today.  
He thought he was pretty cool. 

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