Friday, May 29, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 21 (2015)

Day 141, Thursday, May 21
Presley had her Shrub Steppe 5th grade play.
She auditioned for the Deer Mouse.
She's with her friends Ainsley and Mikayla who both want to eat the Deer Mouse in the play. 

Day 142, Friday, May 22nd
Harper's end of the spring season soccer party. 

Day 143, Saturday, May 23rd
The boys found out they made their soccer teams so they started doing their ab workouts. 

Day 144, Sunday, May 24th
Logan played in a friendly game today and he was put on the field as a striker and got two goals. 
After he made the goals, his teammates gathered around him and he did this hip thrust thing and then the players started falling down around him. 
(Logan rarely even gets to play on the field, let alone score).

Day 145, Monday, May 25th
A Beautiful Memorial Day that we spent in Entiat. 

Day 146, Tuesday, May 26th
A little grocery shopper helper. 

Day 147, Wednesday, May 27th
Dress Rehearsal for the Wizard of Oz.
This is Presley as the Barrister. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 20 (2015)

Day 134, Thursday, May 14th
Presley went on a field trip and a parent e-mailed me this picture and I thought she had accidentally sent it to the wrong mom because I didn't see Presley in the friends pose.  And then I realized (saw the hanging tag), that Presley was taking the picture of her group of friends.  
Capturing a memory. 

Day 135, Friday, May 15th
Rylan had his end of the year soccer party. 
This is his two coaches, Juan and Jose.

Day 136, Saturday, May 16th
Harper's last soccer game of the spring season. 
This was one of her four goals this game.
(She finally remembered how to play soccer in the last game).

Day 137, Sunday, May 17th
Mom and Logan hung out today for a few hours. 

Day 138, Monday, May 18th
Ry and Presley's Dove chocolate messages were pretty spot on for those two. 
Ry:  "Watch more cartoons"
Presley: "Give yourself a standing ovation"

Day 139, Tuesday, May 19th
Dave and I received our new king mattress today and so we moved our bed up for Ry. 
When I took Logan up to bed I asked Logan to take a pic of Ry and text it to me. 
After I went back downstairs I checked my phone for the picture and Logan had added "ily"
That's text speak for  "I Love You". 
Here's the picture I wanted...Ry looked so small in that big bed. 

Day 140, Wednesday, May 20th
Presley's last soccer game for the season.  
The core group has been together for a long time now but this will probably be their last season together as a rec team. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 19 (2015)

Day 127, Thursday, May 7th
Harper helped me bring up the garbage cans today. 

Day 128, Friday, May 8th
It's been hot here this week and one day Presley told me she was embarrassed to wear shorts because of her hairy legs (they weren't that hairy, but she has dark hair and it was noticeable).
So I ran to Target and bought her her own razor and shaving cream and we sat down and did it. 
She did a good job. 
I could only remember all the times we've used shaving cream to write our spelling words in. 
I guess we're past that point now. 

Day 129, Saturday, May 9th
At the end of Rylan's last game of the season, all the boys brought their moms a rose. 

Day 130, Sunday, May 10th
Happy Mother's Day to me. 

Day 131, Monday, May 11th
Collecting bugs at soccer practice. 

Day 132, Tuesday, May 12th
These two get ready really fast in the morning and then spend time riding scooters before we load up. 
Harper has gotten pretty good on her scooter this spring. 

Day 133, Wednesday, May 13th
Waiting for school to start this morning. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 18 (2015)

Day 120, Thursday, April 30th
Braces, Day 1

Day 121, Friday, May 1st
We went to the park after school today and Harper made it across for the first time. 

Day 122, Saturday, May 2nd
Apple Blossom Carnival time

Day 123, Sunday, May 3rd
It was a home game for the semi-pro team and Rylan's Fire Team walked out with the players. 

Day 124, Monday, May 4th
Presley and one of her best friends Kaylee.
They've played on the same soccer team for several years.
At age 6 on left, age 11 on right. 

Day 125, Tuesday, May 5th
We played at Sunnyslope after school today and Presley taught Harper how to flip over the bars. 

Day 126, Wednesday, May 6th
Logan's "Night of the Notables" at Foothills Middle School.
He studied and portrayed Steve Jobs. 
This is his friends Nolan Dorey and Rhett Goveia.  
I am always thankful for the sweet friends in my kids' lives. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week-End Round Up

On April 30th, Presley got her braces and we went out to eat at the Apple Blossom Food Fair. 
And they rolled down the hill. 
Presley rolled over Harper seconds later and there were lots of tears. 

But we had a treat and that helped. 
I think Presley's mouth really was starting to hurt here. 

On Saturday morning, Prince William and Princess Kate had the second royal baby. 
And Tricia was definitely the first to let me know. 
She texted me at 3:38 AM!!
I love that she thought I should know ASAP
And I better receive a text the moment Lincoln's on his way too!!

So of course, I turned on the TV when I woke up. 
And saw little Prince George going into the hospital to meet his baby sister. 
And I may have melted when he waved to the crowd. 

10 hours after birth Princess Kate comes out with her baby looking like this...
Say What???
But what a cute princess.

On Saturday the boys walked with their Fire Teams in the Grand Parade and afterwards we went straight to the Apple Blossom Carnival. 
Lining up with his team. 
That's Logan and Presley in the 4th swing. 
Rylan would not ride this one with big brother and big sister. 
The Scrambler was the last ride. 

On Saturday night, Dave and Logan went to Troy's house to watch the "Fight of the Century". 
Mayweather vs. Pacquio
and it turned out to be a snoozefest.
Mayweather did win and now has a record of 48-0

Dave and I are part of the Wizard of Oz's set construction team so on Sunday we had a building party. 
I will say not a lot of participation on my part. 

On Monday morning, Amy texted me first to let me know that the royal baby had been named. 
Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana

I was so glad they included Prince William's mother's name. 
And now I can go back to my regular life routine and stop with the royal stalking.