Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St. Paddy's Day 2015

That sneaky leprechaun used our bathroom again this year. 

I made green eggs, green grapes, pears, and cereal with green milk before school. 
The leprechaun left some gold coins for good luck and some green glow in the dark necklaces. 

I told Ry to hold still so I could get a picture of him with his green shoes. 
This is what he gave me. 
I think he was being leprechaun-like. 

As we were leaving for school. 
After school we ran to McD's for our annual shamrock shake. 
The boys had soccer tonight and Presley had play practice. 
Unfortunately, I do not think Harper will ever drink a shamrock shake again. 
It made an appearance again at about 1 AM all over her bed. 
Not so lucky me!

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