Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 10 (2015)

Day 64, Thursday, March 5th
Dancing in her new pink room. 

Day 65, Friday, March 6th
 Sisters on a spring afternoon having fun jumping. 

Day 66, Saturday, March 7th
It doesn't matter if I've been married for almost 17 years. 
My mom still wants to write Leanna Kreider (and then corrects herself to Nelson)

Day 67, Sunday, March 8th
We went to Logan's soccer game and Presley stayed home. 
Right before we left, Harper fell funny on her arm. 
This is very typical Presley: worrying about Harper's arm and also showing support for Logan in a quick text exchange.

Day 68, Monday, March 9th

Ry came home from school to show me this and then told me he's sad because he's really trying for a bronze award.  Ha ha. 

Day 69, Tuesday, March 10th
Just a little evening reading put her right to sleep. 

Day 70, Wednesday, March 11th
An awesome Rylan dunk!!

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