Monday, March 2, 2015

A weekend at Silver Mountain

Ry's been talking about going to Great Wolf Lodge again and Logan's been wanting to take a little ski vacation, so Silver Mountain in Kellogg, ID was the logical choice.

We surprised the kids and picked them up early from school on Friday and made our way. 
When Presley saw the skis in the car she quickly said, "I thought this would be fun."

We stopped in Spokane for a potty break and to buy Ry his IPod for his birthday. 

Then we made our way all the way to Kellogg.
We checked in, had some dinner, and then made our way to the waterpark. 

Harper was so happy to be tall enough to go on the big tube ride. 
She was not tall enough to go on the single rider tubes yet. 
She did not use her puddle jumper at all. 
I think her and the kids loved the lazy river the very most. 

On Saturday we woke up and had some breakfast. 
Then we rode the 3 mile gondola up the mountain to find the snow!!

On the gondola
Harper and I watched for the kids from the lodge windows. 
Logan in yellow and Ry in orange helmet.
Ry in orange, Presley in pink helmet. 
Dave skiied all day with them, I don't have any pictures of him. 

Our way down to Kellogg on the gondola. 
It was such a pretty day. 

We made it back to our room by 4, cleaned up and went to dinner at Noah's. 
Then we went swimming again. 
Presley remembered how to body board
All four laying down waiting for the huge bucket of water to fall on them. 
(My camera got wet as I was taking this picture)

We got up on Sunday and went to breakfast at Sam's. 

The kids and Dave went swimming while I packed up our room. 
I forgot flip flops for the kids so boots worked to get us to the pool.  Oops. 

Then we stopped by Grandma Berries niche. 
We bought her a little shamrock because it was the first of March. 
We stopped at her brother Harley Knowles' niche too. 

We made our way back to Coeur d'Alene and visited PPK's rock. 
And visited our 104 year Great, Great Grandma 
and she remembered the kids' names. Amazing!!

We almost had a perfect week-end 
We changed to the spare tire and we finally made it home!!

Birthday Week-end Fun for Everyone!!

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