Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16

Day 106, Wednesday, April 16th
Ry was outside playing after school and came in with these dandelions.  He said, "I know yellow is your favorite color."

Day 107, Thursday, April 17th
I was dropping Ry off to soccer practice and I was rushing him out of the car because we were about 3 minutes late.  I told him to quickly get on the field with his team.  He ran out of the car and then back to my door with this tulip for me.  It was so sweet and was a quick reminder to enjoy these little moments.  

Day 108, Friday, April 18th
Harper's Pre-School Easter Egg Hunt 

Day 109. Saturday, April 19th
Celebrating Samee at her bridal shower. 

Day 110, Sunday, April 20th
Easter Sunday 

Day 111, Monday, April 21st
Rylan's First Grade Performance, "How Does Your Garden Grow?"
He was a goat head rapper. 

Day 112, Tuesday, April 22nd
I have been involved in MOPS Wenatchee every other Tuesday for 3 years now. It's been a real joy to be a part of this group of moms. 

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