Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 14

Day 92, Wednesday, April 2nd
Another beautiful spring break day to be spent outside.

Day 93, Thursday, April 3rd
We went out to dinner and then to walk around Shopko.  We were trying out an outdoor swing. 

Day 94, Friday, April 4th
Inspiration Ceramics with these 2.

Day 95, Saturday, April 5th
The kids played FIFA World Cup Soccer all week long. 
This was one of the championship games, Presley vs. Rylan with Logan as the goalie. 
Rylan won. 

Day 96, Sunday, April 6th
 Some early morning visitors outside the back window. 

Day 97, Monday, April 7th
I brought back a little treat from the grocery store to Rylan for winning the FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament.  Harper saw this in the store (we were there because I forgot something on my list) and said, "how 'bout this for the winner?"

Day 98, Tuesday, April 8th
Presley's first soccer game of the spring season. She did great!!

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