Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Traveling to Portland and the Oregon Coast

We left on Thursday after school with plans to eat in Yakima and make it to Portland that night, shop on Friday, and make it to Yachats by late afternoon on Friday.

The kids were pretty pumped to go...
After we ate in Yakima we put on a movie that may have had a scary part or two.  Harper kept putting her KeeKee over her eyes.
We made it to Portland at about 9:45 and found a hotel to stay the night in.  We woke the next morning, had breakfast, and then went to Clackamas to shop. The mall had a little ferris wheel and carousel you could pay to ride.  Rylan and Presley were too big for the ferris wheel.  Logan and Dave walked ahead to shop.

I love that Ry loves the little things in life. 

I really wanted to go to Washington Square and all I had to do was promise to stop at the Apple Store and Dave was sold. 
We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and took the Hershey's piece of cheesecake down. 
After we ate we loaded up and made the scenic drive to Yachats, OR.  Dave took us on the scenic route and at times we were only going 30 miles per hour in a long line of cars.  It was a very long drive.   
But then we saw ocean...
And thought we must be close.  Really, we had about another hour left in the car. 
But we made it and we took a nice walk on the beach. 
My peeps on the beach
Presley, Rylan, Harper, Dave, and Logan
Logan yelled up at me, "look Mom I'm texting on a log". 
We saw Samee, Nate, and Miryn taking a little stroll.
Harper got to walk Geezer and Mickey a few times...
Dave and the kids took a swim in the pool on Friday night. 

The wedding on Saturday wasn't until late in the afternoon so we spent some more time walking along the beach. 
Ry had so much fun looking in the tide pools and finding shells.  We brought home two big bag-fulls of broken shells. This little crab didn't make the trip back home with us. 
My sweet beach girl.  Presley loves the ocean. 
Our Family...Oregon Coast, October 26, 2013

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