Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Carving Fun: 10-29-13

Tuesday night is our "free" night so we decided to carve pumpkins after school.  Surprisingly, this year they didn't ask for help or get too tired to finish.  Even Ry, who picked the biggest pumpkin.  They all did a great job.
The kids decided on the faces they wanted and I drew and carved. 
But Logan drew the face on his own pumpkin and carved it himself this year. 
The guts of four pumpkins
I was cleaning up and Ry came to me with a bloody mouth and told me he lost a tooth. 
This is missing tooth #2... he makes a cute jack-o-lantern. 
Our finished pumpkins...
Harper, Presley (owl), Rylan, and Logan

Amy sent me this picture (maybe 1977)
Amy, Leanna, Samee

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