Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wedding Day: Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen

Tricia and Danny were married this last week-end.  We were so happy to get to be there to witness it and for the kids to be participants in the wedding.  It was a lovely oceanside wedding in Yachats, Oregon (near Newport).  We left on Thursday after school, stopped in Yakima to eat dinner, and then made our way to Portland to stay the night.  We officially made it to Yachats, OR on Friday afternoon.

It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since Tricia was a Junior Bridesmaid in my wedding. 
You're Welcome
Thomas, Amy (pregnant with Alyson), Dave, Leanna with arms around Tricia, Samee, Cristy, Danny, Karisa

 I'm pretty sure there's never been a more pretty flower girl or more handsome ring bearer. 

And the usher boy and program/bubble hand out girl weren't too shabby either. 

Oh my heart, my loves

The wedding was at 4:45 but Tricia and Danny opted to have pictures done prior to the wedding so I snapped some as the professional photographer was doing her job. The sun, the blue ocean, slight breeze...seriously could not have ordered up better weather.

And then the wedding began...
The bridal party walked down to "Here comes the Sun"
Ry and Harper walked together perfectly...
It was Ry's job to deliver the rings (yes, they trusted him with the actual rings) to the best lady and the maid of honor.  

And then Harper was supposed to come to Dave and I and sit with us, but she followed Ry and stood next to him the entire ceremony. 
  I was really just trying to get a picture of Harper and Ry standing so nicely, but this was the moment Tricia and Bob started walking down the aisle.  I love Danny's smile in this one. 
In Bobby's reception toast he told everyone he was glad that he wasn't asked to give his daughter away  because he feels like he's adding a son.  I thought that was so sweet. 

It was a short and sweet ceremony.  Danny and Tricia wrote their own vows to eachother. 
The kiss and foot pop made it official.  
The first moment of Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen

I wanted to get a picture of the youngest guest there...
Baby Miryn Pauline
Mommy and Harper

We walked right over to the reception hall. And the kids found Papa's photo booth.  Papa later paid one dollar to Rylan to stop taking selfie photo booth pics.  I have a stack full of Ry pictures in different get-ups. He loved this thing. 

Happy, happy day!!

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