Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mini Vacation: Day Three

We knew on this day that we were going to stop and see my Great Grandma Marge Legard in Coeur d'Alene.  Papa told me that it would be best to go see her after lunch so we made that the plan.  We got up and went to have breakfast at The Silver Spoon (per Papa's recommendation) and checked out of our room.  We were wasting a little time before we had to be back in Coeur d'Alene for our visit so we decided to go to the Post Falls outlet mall.  There is no longer a Post Falls outlet mall so we just drove on to Coeur d'Alene.  We stopped for gas and did a little shopping.  We bought some flowers and a birthday card to give to my Great Grandma.  She celebrated her 103rd birthday on Thursday, June 27th.

Great Grandma Marge knew the kids by name and talked to each of them.  She mentioned several times she didn't hear well when the kids would ask questions but then I would repeat the questions for the kids.  She could answer them.  We talked about the Sunshine Mine and the Kellogg area and her paintings and pictures in her room.   Harper showed Great Grandma a bridge and Ry gave her a nice big hug, which she reciprocated.  She asked me to send her a picture of her with the kids.  I am so thankful my kids were able to share this time with their Great Great Grandma.

And we're heading back home....Yay for an awesome va-cay.

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