Sunday, June 16, 2013

Logan's Last Day of Elementary School

Farewell to Sunnyslope Elementary...

Special Fifth Grade Awards...
Logan received several academic awards, an award for Passport Club, and a plaque for being Vice President of K-Kids this year.
Receiving his K-Kids Plaque--Logan was the only boy officer this year.
Logan also received a special award--The Principal's Leadership Award.  Logan and Courtney Brown won this award.  To be considered for this award, students had to write an essay explaining how they demonstrate leadership qualities.  Teachers, past and present, and the principal decide on the recipients.  After Mrs. Pflug announced the winners, she asked Logan and Courtney to read their essay at the podium in front of the whole school and all the 5th grade parents in attendance.  Logan went first and did a very good job. We have always thought of Logan as a leader and it was so great to see that that is what is seen at school as well.    

Logan and his principal, Mrs. Pflug

After the awards assembly we went to tell Logan how proud we were of him and he said that he was really hoping for the Most Athletic Award, which was won by a girl...ha ha!!

The last time Logan will walk these halls as a student...
Spencer, Riley, Colby, Logan

Logan attended two fifth grade parties and he took his first ride in this limo too.

Really can't believe we have a middle schooler...

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