Monday, April 22, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 16 (2024)

 Day 106, Monday, April 15th

Running out to the garage to see who was home.

Day 107, Tuesday, April 16th

Presley was the only one who responded with worry that Dave would throw him in the pool.

Day 108, Wednesday, April 17th

Got my hair refreshed today. 

Day 109, Thursday, April 18th

Dad's Day with the OG 5

Day 110, Friday, April 19th

Taylor Swift's new album dropped last night and we listened to a couple of songs on our way to eat breakfast at Wild Huckleberry. 
(Samee's Car)

Day 111, Saturday, April 20th

Dave went to volleyball with Harper and Ry and I golfed. 
Well, he golfed and I watched from the cart. 

Day 112, Sunday, April 21st

Harper played in her last tournament this week-end in Spokane. 
What a great season!

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