Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 14 (2024)

 Day 92,  Monday, April 1st

First gay of spring break and she's dunking! ha ha

Day 93, Tuesday, April 2nd

Wisdom teeth extraction consultation today

Day 94, Wednesday, April 3rd

Chewy gets so excited when its time for a walk. 

Day 95, Thursday, April 4th

ry and Dave were meeting at the gym to shoot around this afternoon but ry texted Dave that he only had a sweatshirt and asked him to bring a shirt. 
Dave found this in the laundryroom and just grabbed it. 
But Ry's grown and I just hadn't put it in the donation box. 

Day 96, Friday, April 5th

Day 1 of Pacific Northwest Qualifier. 
They won 2 and lost 1 match. 

Day 97, Saturday, April 6th

Day 2 of the PNQ at the Podium in Spokane. 
Harper's team won 1 and lost 2 today. 
Very competitive matches today!

Day 98, Sunday, April 7th

Dave took Ry to another scrimmage today. 
They won this game and Ry had 25 points. 

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