Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 4 (2024)

 Day 22, Monday, January 22nd

Monday morning vibes while waiting for her friend to run out to us. 

Day 23, Tuesday, January 23rd

The Cashmere girls team had an odd solo game tonight so we went. 
Ry took some shots at halftime. 

Day 24, Wednesday, January 24th

A beautiful sunrise this morning. 

Day 25, Thursday, January 25th

Rys been team captain this year, I just hadn't got a picture of him at center court. 

Day 26, Friday, January 26th

Harper and G at ice skating tonight.

Day 27, Saturday, January 27th

Rylan's 1st semester report card came in the mail today. 
Hes "shushing" the haters (mom and dad, who rode him all semester about a good report card). 
4 A's and 2 A-'s

Day 28, Sunday, January 28th

Harper serving in Chelan's tournament today. 

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