Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 2 (2024)

 Day 8, Monday, January 8th

Ry taking the jump ball this game. 

Day 9, Tuesday, January 9th

One of Chewy's last coffee runs with Presley until spring break. 

Day 10, Wednesday, January 10th

A rare homework night. 

Day 11, Thursday, January 11th

Presley was leaving tomorrow, so one last kiddo picture. 

Day 12, Friday, January 12th
Presley right before she was leaving. 

Day 13, Saturday, January 13th

Dave and Logan drove over to Seattle today. 

Day 14, Sunday, January 14th

Dave got back home today but had to snowblow before our driveway got worse overnight. 
Ice chunks in his beard. 

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