Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 1 (2024)

 Day 1, Monday, January 1st

Cheering to 2024

Day 2, Tuesday, January 2nd

A big home win vs. Omak tonight. 
Ry and Emory

Day 3, Wednesday, January 3rd

Sibling Teasing

Day 4, Thursday, January 4th

Love for Chewy

Day 5, Friday, January 5th

More love for Chewy tonight.
He'll miss them when they leave again. 

Day 6, Saturday,  January 6th

Watching QVC as Harper's volleyball team warms up. 

Day 7, Sunday, January 7th

Harper's team won their tournament this weekend at WHS. 
They're improving each set they play together. 

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