Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 47 (2023)

Day 323, Sunday, November 19th

Getting ready to take Chewy for a walk today.

Day 324, Monday, November 20th

Rylan and Logan greeting each other after Ry's school day. 

And Presley made it home today to discover that Harper is officially a little taller than her. 

Day 325, Tuesday, November 21st
Arriving at school today a little earlier to write thankful notes to teachers.

Day 326, Wednesday, November 22nd

It was a half day for Ry so we took him to lunch at Hot Rod Cafe.

Day 327, Thursday, November 23rd

Thanksgiving with the Nelsons today.

Day 328, Friday, November 24th

No visit home would be complete without a little competitive arm wrestling. 

Day329, Saturday, November 25th 

We finally had a few minutes together right before Logan and Dave left to Seattle to read our thankful notes. 


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