Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 43 (2023)

 Day 295, Sunday, October 22nd

Rylan's team won the championship this week-end in Auburn.
They gave the champs rings this time which was so fun!

Grandma and Papa were there to watch all the games and check out the ring. 

Day 296, Monday, October 23rd

A nice e-mail from Harper's teacher today. 

Day 297, Tuesday, October 24th

A rare sighting--Ry actually having and doing HOME-work!
With a box of lemon heads and a bowl of ice cream to help him through it. 

Day 298, Wednesday, October 25th

Watching Logan's game today. 

Day 299, Thursday, October 26th

Trying to tuck Harper into bed for the night. 

Day 300, Friday, October 27th

The landscapers were at our house this morning so Dave took Chewy for a walk for a potty break. 
Chewy got a little tired so Dave had to carry him home.

Day 301, Saturday, October 28th

Harper had a Halloween party tonight.
Her and her friend went as Napolean Dynamite and Deb. 

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