Thursday, November 2, 2023

Halloween 2023

 Harper had a few Halloween parties this year, and loved the costume changes. 

This party was a duo party so Harper and her friend went as Napolean Dynamite characters.  

They carved pumpkins and Harper won a goodie bag for her design. 

The school district held conferences on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so there was no school those days. 
She had another friend get together on Monday, the 30th
It's hard to see her black, tilted halo but she was a dark angel this night. 

Halloween Day:
No school today so we had breakfast together with pumpkin spice lattes.
We had our traditional jack o'lantern pizza.
Rylan went to Cashmere and stopped in to see Grandma and Papa Nelson and then over to his friends house. 
Harper went out trick or treating in her cow onesie costume from a couple of years ago. 
She got home and sorted her candy. 

Presley was College Cinderella 
(a character name mom made up)

Back in the Tri-Cities...
the Nihill Family

The Sorensen kids too...

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