Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 19 (2023)

 Day 127, Sunday, May 7th

Harper used her cotton candy machine to make us treats today. 

Day 128, Monday, May 8th

I stayed and watched Harper's beach volleyball practice this afternoon.   
I was impressed with the girls' hard work. 

Day 129, Tuesday, May 9th

Passing Logan on our way to school drop off this morning. 

Day 130, Wednesday, May 10th

Harper had an orthodontic appointment this morning so we went to McDonald's for a quick breakfast afterwards. 

Day 131, Thursday, May 11th

Presley's final day of her first year at Gonzaga.
Dave went up on Wednesday to help her clear her room out but she had one more final today. 
The day we dropped her off last August. 

All of us together again. 

Day 132, Friday, May 12th

Harper's friend had knee surgery earlier this month and needed a ride to school.

Day 133, Saturday, May 13th

Ry made these two free throws to take the lead for good.  
Another great tournament in Portland. 

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