Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 17 (2023)

Day 113, Sunday, April 23rd

A nice looking 3 pointer!
First Place in the Portland Tournament

Day 114, Monday, April 24th

Chewy spent the weekend at a dog "resort" and must have had quite the party time. 
He slept out in the sun for most of the day.  

Day 115, Tuesday, April 25th

Dave got a new truck and Ry got his old one. 
This was an exciting day for him!

Day 116, Wednesday, April 26th

Harper was the first in the pool this year!

Day 117, Thursday, April 27th

Dave was the next day!

Day 118, Friday, April 28th

And Ry and Harper jumped in on Friday!

Day 119, Saturday, April 29th 

At Grandma Kreider's memorial service

Kelin, Linda, Papa, and Darin

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