Thursday, March 30, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 9 (2023)

Day 57, Sunday, February 26th

Harper and I drove to the Tri-Cities today to celebrate Grandma Kreider's 92nd birthday. 
(and Mylee too, they share the March 1st birthday, 70 years apart )

Day 58, Monday, February 27th

Birthday Boy!  New Driver!

Day 59, Tuesday, February 28th

Up early to shovel the new snow off the driveway. 

Day 60, Wednesday, March 1st

I went with Harper's class on a field trip to read their Superhero stories to a class of 2nd graders. 

Day 61, Thursday, March 2nd

Relaxing before bed. 

Day 62, Friday, March 3rd

Our change container was full so I took it to a change counter and ended up with almost $100.
(Dave took all the quarters for a bowling game they play, and I had a few Canadian coins in there)

Day 63, Saturday, March 4th

Harper has her ballet pointe shoes on with her slippers over them and was dancing all around. 

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