Friday, March 31, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 11 (2023)

 Day 71, Sunday, March 12th

We finished up Harper's Yakima tournament by playing one of her friends' team. 

Day 72, Monday, March 13th

You always know when Presley is home because Dave sets out random baking/treats supplies. 
Tonight, Presley allowed Ry to drive them in her car to the new Boba Lab for a drink. 

Day 73, Tuesday, March 14th

Pi day

Day 74, Wednesday, March 15th

A special visitor during school pick up. 

Day 75, Thursday, March 16th

Ry went to the high school to shoot around. 
He found himself all alone. 

Day 76, Friday, March 17th 

I had to text this out on our family thread that the sneaky leprechaun peed in our half bath. 

Harper with her new shamrock sweatshirt. 
Presley, Harper and I went to Wenatchee High's theater production of "Clue" tonight. 

Day 77, Saturday, March 18th

We all went to Leavenworth tonight for dinner. 

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