Monday, February 27, 2023

Presley's Last Day as Royalty

 That was a quick year of all things Apple Blossom!

Saturday, February 11th was the 2023 pageant and Presley would crown the next princess. 

She came home on Friday, February 10th

She had a very busy Saturday leading up to the pageant tonight. 
Harper had a local volleyball tournament and Rylan had an away (Lake Chelan) basketball game but Dad and I were able to come and go and help get Presley ready and take her to where she needed to be.

Dave took Ry out to Cashmere to catch his bus to Chelan. 
And I dropped off Presley at her dinner location (just for the outgoing royalty and their chaperones) on Wenatchee Ave. 
(Harper was still at her tournament and luckily it was a reffing time for her team)

At dinner

Walking into the Numerica PAC

Inside the auditorium
With the festival director, Darci

She did her final TV interview prior to the start of the pageant. 

Eric told her he remembered that she was born with dark sideburns and that's why she was named Presley :).

The royalty walked into "Thats What Makes You Beautiful" 
They danced while taking their seat. 
We were not sitting too close to them. 

On stage--they each had to say a little something to thank the community. 
Presley handed out the Achievement Award, which she won last year, as well as crowned one of the two new 2023 Apple Blossom princesses. 
Presley walking off stage after crowning as the new princess receives her flowers. 

With the 2022 Junior Royalty

After the pageant out in the reception area of the convention center. 

Leaving together. 

An Apple Blossom tradition--the outgoing royalty takes the new royalty to breakfast on Sunday morning at the Wild Huckleberry. 
February 12, 2023  
They present the new royalty with embroidered blankets.
(Presley made hers during Christmas break)

2022 Royalty at their Wild Huckleberry breakfast
February 20th, 2022 

What a year!


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