Saturday, February 25, 2023

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 6 (2023)

 Day 36, Sunday, February 5th

A rainy drive by the Boise Capitol Building before heading to our flight.

Day 37, Monday, February 6th

Picking up Ry today.  I moved to the passenger seat and then he practice drives out of the crazy high school parking lot. 

Day 38, Tuesday, February 7th

Dave got new glasses and he wanted the kind that would transitional. 
They stay dark for a bit even when he's inside. 

Day 39, Wednesday, February 8th

High-Fives for the new group coming on to play against Sterling Middle School today. 

Day 40, Thursday, February 9th

Ry after his basketball practice--freshly showered, comfy on, and trying on his new nice black shoes. 
The comfy is getting shorter and his legs and feet are getting longer.  

Day 41, Friday, February 10th

Presley home for the weekend for the Apple Blossom Pageant. 
Chewy was so happy to see her. 

Day 42, Saturday, February 11th

The 2022 Royalty getting ready to crown the new group. 

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