Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lea's Day-Lea's, Week 45 (2022)

 Day 309, Saturday, November 5th

Ry relaxing in his bed eating Chipotle chips with his little buddy. 

Day 310, Sunday, November 6th

Ry playing goalie at the Apple Bowl today. 
He's played so many different positions this year. 

Day 311, Monday, November 7th

Ry felt a little under the weather today when I picked him up from school, and he fell asleep on the way to get Harper. 

Day 312, Tuesday, November 8th

Harper texting me that she ran into this tray that was on a cabinet when she slipped in her pointe shoes. 

Day 313, Wednesday, November 9th

Playing volleyball together agains the wall. 

Day 314, Thursday, November 10th

Our house lights were installed today. 
We didn't leave them lit but wanted to see how they looked. 

Day 315, Friday, November 11th

I went out of town for shopping in Portland and Harper stayed the night with a friend. 

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